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Annual Conference Draft Programme Agenda



Asia Pacific Public Policy Network (AP-PPN) 

Workshop on Public Policy and Governance

Launch of India Public Policy Network

at School of Public Health,

KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (India) 


February 28 - March 1 2018


The goal of AP-PPN is to promote Public Policy research and education in Asia. To achieve this goal, it is promoting the establishment of national public policy forums involving all development sectors, including the health sector, that together will form a consortium spanning Asia and the Pacific. The AP-PPN will offer a platform for promoting national and regional research collaboration, learning opportunities, and research conferences and workshops.


After two successful conferences in Hong Kong (2016) and Chiang Mai (2017), the AP-PPN is organising an inaugural workshop to launch the Indian Public Policy Network (IPPN) at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar on  February 28-March 1 2018.


The aim of this inaugural workshop is to bring together scholars of Public Policy, Public Administration and Public Management from universities and development sectors in India and other Asian countries to present their work and engage in discussions about the scope and purpose of the proposed Indian Public Policy Network.  The forum will all offer opportunities to build networks for future collaborative research.


Suggested topics for panels and papers include:

  1. Social and  Financial security

  2. Policy relating to governance and accountability

  3. Policies to achieve  Universal Health coverage

  4. Policy & Politics

  5. Public Policy Education & Research

  6. Regional Collaborations


In addition to presentation of research papers, the workshop will feature special roundtable discussions on Pedagogy and Research Methods in Public Policy.  There will also be a special plenary panel on Political Capacity.


Proposals for papers and panels are invited in all areas of interest to scholars working on public policies at local, national and international events in the region and elsewhere, or with theoretical, conceptual or methodological subjects related to policy studies. Please send abstracts of 300 words to : by January 31, 2018.









Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Satpathy,

Director, School of Public Health 


Patia, Bhubaneswar – 751024

Odisha State, India

Telephone: +91-674-2305300 (Ext. No- 37920 - Director)

(Ext. No- 37921 - P.S. to Director, Mr. Shraban Kumar Behera)


Mobile: 08658092449

+91-7205338681 (P.S. to Director, Mr. Shraban Kumar Behera)


Dr. Pratap Kumar Jena,

Associate Prof., School of Public Health,


Patia, Bhubaneswar – 751024

Odisha State, India


Mobile: 08800281555






Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) is a registered society and has two Universities, KIIT & KISS.


KIIT University is a Deemed University, recognized in A – Category status by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, placing it among the most elite universities of the country. It is accredited by NAAC of UGC in “A” Grade. Further it has received Tier 1(Washington Accord) accreditation by NBA of AICTE. There are 27 multidisciplinary constituent schools, with 27000 students from all parts of India and 20 other countries. There exists academic partnership with several world class universities from across the world and industry- Institute interaction with more than 15 corporate giants. Other facilities include  excellent convention centre complexes, accommodation  and other facilities such as Wi-Fi Multimedia Classrooms & ERP, Large Open Air Theatre, Library, Ultramodern laboratory, close circuit cameras, Auditorium,  Seminar Halls (50 to 500 capacity), Sports and athletic facilities and Cafeteria, 24x7 Internet and Intranet access.


Its sister organization Kalinga Institute of Social Science (KISS) is providing holistic free residential education to 27000 indigenous tribal children, to overcome poverty and injustice. KISS has been accorded as Special Consultative Status by UN ECOSOC in 2015. In 2017, KISS became first exclusive tribal University in the World.KISS is now the preferred centre of learning for the poorest of the poor indigenous (tribal) sections of the society with a focus on formal education aimed at providing sustainable livelihood and scope for all-round development.



Prof. Sudhir Kumar Satpathy (Director, KIIT School of Public Health, India)

Prof. Mike Howlett (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore & Simon Fraser University Canada)

Prof. Azad Singh Bali (Murdoch University)

Prof. Ishani Mukherjee (NUS)

Prof. Kanti Prasad Bajpai (Centre for Asian Globalization, LKY School NUS)

Prof. M. Ramesh (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

Prof. Xun WU (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)

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